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Japan's Coin Tax May Be Reduced to '20%'... Next Year's Virtual Asset Tax Review Confirmed

YM Lee
  • With the confirmation of Japan's tax reform outline, the possibility of reducing the virtual asset income tax to 20% has increased.
  • Until now, income from virtual asset transactions has been subject to a tax rate of up to 55%, but the introduction of separate taxation is being considered.
  • Virtual assets are expected to be seen as assets contributing to the national economy, and tax and regulatory adjustments are anticipated.
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The outline of Japan's 2025 tax reform has been finalized at the tax policy meetings of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito. As the review of the virtual asset income tax is specified in this outline, the expectations of Japanese virtual asset investors, who were concerned about high tax rates, are rising.

According to a report by CoinPost on the 0th (local time), the Liberal Democratic Party mentioned in the tax reform outline that "virtual assets contribute to the formation of national assets as financial products, and it is necessary to establish laws such as investor protection explanations and regulations like other financial products with tax exemptions, as well as to review the obligation to report to tax authorities."

Additionally, Takuya Hirai, the first digital minister of the Liberal Democratic Party's Digital Headquarters, requested through the financial minister's suggestion to △ designate gains and losses from virtual asset transactions as subject to separate taxation △ organize regulations related to virtual assets △ prepare for cybersecurity as assets contributing to the national economy.

The media predicted that "the inclusion of tax content related to virtual asset transactions in this tax reform outline by the Liberal Democratic Party will serve as a foundation for specific institutional reforms such as future tax rate reviews, adjustment of gain and loss rules, and changes in tax classification."

Currently, income from virtual asset transactions in Japan is classified as 'miscellaneous income' and is subject to a tax rate of up to 55%. With this tax reform proposal, the possibility of promoting a 20% separate taxation and a gain and loss carryover system is increasing, raising expectations among virtual asset investors and industry officials in Japan.

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