로고와 STAT 라이브


U.S. Senator: "Public Employee Pension Funds Should Be Able to Invest in Bitcoin ETF"

Doohyun Hwang
  • Craig Bowser, a Kansas State Senator, has proposed legislation to allow public employee pension funds to invest in Bitcoin ETF.
  • The Kansas Public Employees Retirement System should be allowed to invest up to 10% of its pension funds in Bitcoin ETF.
  • This legislative proposal could open the way for institutional funds to flow into the Bitcoin market.
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Craig Bowser, a Kansas State Senator, has advocated for allowing public employee pension funds to invest in Bitcoin through a legislative proposal.

According to data released by Cointelegraph on the 22nd (local time), Bowser stated through the proposal that "the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System should be allowed to invest up to 10% of its pension funds in Bitcoin ETF."

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